- Delegate is an object that knows how to call a method or a group of methods which have the same signature.
- It is a reference to a function.
- Of course, we can call methods directly, but we need delegates for designing extensible and flexible applications. (Ex: Frameworks).
- Imagine that you are designing a framework which is use for processing the photos. In that framework, you have defined few photo processing ways such as "Apply Brightness" , "Apply Contrast" and etc. In future, may be a client who is using your framework need to add their own photo filter which we haven't defined. So in that case, we have to change our application , recompile and redeploy. It is not a good idea. If we use delegates in our frameworks, client can add any no of filters without relying on us. See below example.
public class Photo
public Photo Load(string path)
return new Photo();
public class Filter
public void Resize(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed the Size");
public void ChangeBrightness(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed the brightness");
public void ChangeContrast(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed contrast of the photo");
public class PhotoMaker
// Define the delegate
public delegate void PhotoFilterHandler(Photo photo);
public void Process(string path, PhotoFilterHandler photofilterhandler )
var photoObject = new Photo();
var photo = photoObject.Load(path);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var photomaker = new PhotoMaker();
var filter = new Filter();
// Adding ChangeBrightness filter
PhotoMaker.PhotoFilterHandler filterhandler = filter.ChangeBrightness;
//Adding ChangeContrast filter
filterhandler += filter.ChangeContrast;
// Remove ChangeBrightness filter
filterhandler -= filter.ChangeBrightness;
//Adding custom method without changing the PhotoProcess class
filterhandler+= RemoveRedEye;
photomaker.Process("", filterhandler);
static void RemoveRedEye(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Remove Red Eye");
In .Net, there are two delegates which are generic. They are Action and Func. Difference between Func and Action is Func point to a method that has a return value and Action point to a method that returns void (no return type).
- Below code uses in built Action delegate instead of creating a custom delegate.
public class Photo
public Photo Load(string path)
return new Photo();
public class Filter
public void Resize(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed the Size");
public void ChangeBrightness(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed the brightness");
public void ChangeContrast(Photo photo)
Console.WriteLine("Changed contrast of the photo");
public class PhotoMaker
public void Process(string path, Action<Photo> photofilterhandler )
var photoObject = new Photo();
var photo = photoObject.Load(path);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var photomaker = new PhotoMaker();
var filter = new Filter();
// Adding ChangeBrightness filter
Action<Photo> filterhandler = filter.ChangeBrightness;
//Adding ChangeContrast filter
filterhandler += filter.ChangeContrast;
// Remove ChangeBrightness filter
filterhandler -= filter.ChangeBrightness;
photomaker.Process("", filterhandler);
Use a delegate in the following circumstances:
- An eventing design pattern is used.
- The caller has no need to access other properties, methods, or interfaces on the object implementing the method.
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