Syntax Parsers
A program that reads your code and determines what it does and if it's grammar is valid.
The code we written can not understand by the computer. So the code needed to be read character by character and convert it to the set of instructions that the computer can understand. To do that ,there is a compiler/ interpreter and Syntax Parser is part of it.
Lexical environment is where something sits physically in the code we write.
Lexical environment stores the variable defined in the function during the execution of that function.
Execution Context
Execution context is a wrapper to help manage the code that is running. There are lot of lexical environments and which one is currently running is managed via execution contexts.
When ever we run the JavaScript code, it runs inside the execution context.
Name Value Pair
Name value pair is a name which maps to unique value.
The name may be defined more than once, but only can have one value in a given context.
In below example, Name is "Address" and Value is "Main 100".
Address = 'Main 100'
Object is a collection of Name Value pairs.
In below example, Address and Apartment are objects.
// Below code is not in the inside of the function. So that is global.
var a = 'Hello World'; function b(){ }
Hoisting is setting up memory space for variables and functions.
Before our code executing line by line, Java Script engine sets up the memory space for variables and functions created in entire code. So those functions and variables exists in the memory. When the code begins to execute line by line, it can access them. However when it comes to variables little bit different. When Java Script engine sets up the memory for a variable, it does not any assigned value for that. That's why, it returns "undefined'.
See below Example. Even though, 'b' function call is in top of the code, it will still executing not like other programming languages. And instead of error , 'a' is undefined.
- Global Scope
Any variable that’s not inside any function or block (a pair of curly braces), is inside the global scope. The variables in global scope can be accessed from anywhere in the program.
- Local Scope or Function Scope
Variables declared inside a function is inside the local scope. They can only be accessed from within that function, that means they can’t be accessed from the outside code. For example:
function a() { var greeting = 'Hello World!'; console.log(greeting); }
// Prints 'Hello World!'
// Uncaught ReferenceError: greeting is not defined
- Block Scope
ES6(ECMAScript 6) introduced let variable, unlike var variables, they can be scoped to the nearest pair of curly braces. That means, they can’t be accessed from outside that pair of curly braces. For example:function a() { var age = 100; if (age > 12){ let dogYears = age * 7;
//using let
var noOfYears = age * 7;
//using var
console.log(`You are ${dogYears} dog years old!`); }
// Prints '700'
// Uncaught Reference Error: dogYears is not defined
console.log(dogYears); } a();